Enriching young women with positive formative experiences that replace obstacles with opportunities.
What We Do
Our goal is to initiate early, life-changing success by empowering our girls to reach their highest potential. Our programs are geared towards creating experiences for our students to lead to greater enrichment and empowerment.
Middle School
- Afterschool
- Summer Camp
- Individual Success Planning
High School – GrowU
- Weekly Enrichment Classes
- Summer Internships
- Individual Success Planning
We also offer in-school Leadership Groups.
Donors and supporters help foster young women by enabling GirlUp GVL to provide after-school programs, academic support, transportation, field trips, and other programs.
The support of our volunteers inspires the girls to discover their gifts, explore their talents and learn new skills, all while surrounded by love and encouragement.
GirlUp GVL on Instagram
Can you even believe?!?!? Many of you have seen these girls grow up throughout the years! We are so proud of ALL of their accomplishments and can’t wait to celebrate the close of one journey and cheer them on to their next adventure (moving to NC as they become @ncatsuaggies )! Peep the link in the bio so you can JOIN THE PARTY 🎉 💕 even if you can make the event and want to support them, you can use the link in the evite to order directly from their @amazon wishlists 💕
Photo cred - the incredible @jeanettenbrewster
Wrapped up our fourth school year last week - and it was a sweet one. Even with a quick glance through our posts from the year (which is barely a glimpse), it’s hard to comprehend ALL that we did, accomplished and overcame during the year. It’s humbling and encouraging to be welcomed into lives and families, all with the same goal of helping girls reach their fullest potential. We are forever proud of WHO these young ladies are 💕
Stay tuned for more scenes from our family dinner 💕
BEYOND proud and excited for our two seniors!!! Over the past seven years of knowing them, they have remained consistent in being true to themselves and dedicated to being the best versions of themselves. They are WELL ROUNDED young women who have embraced opportunities to continue to discover more of who they are. They applied to a combined 18 schools and were accepted into ALL of them, continuing to pave the way for our younger crew. This fall they will both be attending @ncatsuaggies and we can not WAIT to see them shine ✨Stay tuned for how you can celebrate with them at their #GirlUpGVL graduation party in June 💕
Community. Connection. Safe place of belonging - where you get to be the best version of yourself freely. This is #GirlUpGVL.💕
Throughout the year it’s so fun to see how each group of students forms this safe space together. It’s come up a lot recently - how in so many spaces you have to be X or Y way in order to fit in or blend in - where there is a lack of acceptance of who you truly are - the good and the hard. We are incredibly honored to work with students across Greenville County who are creating these beautiful spaces together.
If you are fortunate to be around any youth, please take time to LISTEN to them. There is a depth of wisdom and insight that so many miss hearing.
And that’s a wrap! We had the BEST time celebrating the end of the GirlUp GVL school year with some of our high schoolers. It has been incredible to see all the growth in these girls lives, not only in this last year but for many of them since the 6th grade when they started with GirlUp GVL! It is always bittersweet to close out one chapter, but we are so excited to see what the summer and next school year brings for these girls!💕
Not excited to see these two incredible interns go! They wrapped up their last week with us this week and we are sad. They have jumped into our #girlupgvl family and we are so grateful for all of their hard work and all the love they shared with our girls throughout the semester. 💕
BEEP BEEP! It’s the final week of our #SummerSplashCampaign and this week we’re focusing on transportation costs! The reality is — we spend the majority of time in a year driving. We strongly believe in eliminating barriers to opportunities. In order to do that, we will always fight to provide as much transportation as possible. This includes taking and picking up our girls from their summer internships, rides to and from our program, as well as individual opportunities for our students to pursue! See the link in our bio to help us raise $1,200 for transportation costs. 💕🚌
Can’t let #nationalvolunteerweek close out without a special thanks to all of our friends @clemsonpanhellenic! From fundraising, to tutoring, to meals, to cleaning - they do it ALL! And we are so grateful for their partnership and support 💕
We will have an upcoming orientation for summer volunteer opportunities! DM us if you want to join us for all the fun adventures of the summer ☀️
We wish we could hangout with @marleylilly every week! Thank you to everyone who came out to support our girls in the second annual Marleylilly + GirlUp GVL runway show! We can’t believe it’s already been a week since the show. THANK YOU @marleylilly for allowing our girls to have this experience! They had SO much fun. 💕